Short Story Of My Life ...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Thank You TRICARE!

Hello All!

I'm back & nine months pregnant! Baby Troche is due 8/28 but this momma is READY! My husband and I decided not to share the sex of baby with social media and I can not believe I stuck with it! LOL Everyone has their guess and while majority of the guesses being "girl", we shall see if we finally get our little diva or or will mommy remain the only diva of the house. I am very excited to share when baby is finally here but for now, our lips are sealed ;)

Anyway, just recently Tricare decided to jump on the wagon and provide breast pumps to moms-to-be and new moms. I remember reading up on this last year but they hadn't had a date implemented as to when this new policy would start but as of July 1, 2015, Tricare now covers breastpumps! I did not hesitate to get my breast pump. July 1st I made the move and within a week, I was an owner of a Medal Breastpump through Target's breastpump program! It was so easy and convenient. I've gotten asked a few times how the processed worked so I decided to write this blog to share how the process went for me. 

July 1st- Called the Target's Breast pump Program 800* number to inquire about a breast pump. I was helped by a nice lady who asked for some of my information such as my insurance carrier, my due date, and information to my midwifery group, She then told me once all my information was verified, I would receive an email regarding coverage or pumps. 


A few hours later...

Email Screenshot.
I got an email from them explaining which pumps my insurance will cover as well as the Target location that I will be picking up my pump when it was ready (I chose store pick up. It was the same location I would have chosen so they don't give you the closest one to your residence)

There is also a mail to home option as well!

I had two choices...

I've been told how great the Medela pumps were and the reviews on it were not bad either so I decided to go with Medela. 

I'm cheap so I stuck with the starter set, LOL.

July 2-
Email Screenshot
After evaluating my pump options. I gave the number provided on the email a call and told them my choice. I don't really know how different the process is for anyone who upgraded. I do believe you have to fill out an upgrade form and pay via debit/ credit card. Not 100% sure though. 

Shortly after, that same day, I got another email saying they were placing my order and I will receive a confirmation for pick up directly from Target within 24-72 business hours.

I should note, I had an baby appt. with my midwife this day and I was told they received a fax for a prescription request for a breast pump so I guess Target contacted my midwifery group and they then faxed over the prescription to Target's breast pump program (not to be confused to the actual Target store).

July 7- 
It took a little longer for me to get my pick up email because it was the holiday weekend but I finally got my "ready for pick up" email,

I went to Guest Services with my photo ID, and my order number provided in the email. They looked it up in their system and came back out with my pump and I was on my way.

Easy process and I received my pump for free. It was definitely a huge weight lifted because I knew I would need one after my maternity leave was up.
Email Screenshot. 

Although I chose to get mine through Target's program, they are not your only option.

Babies R'Us has a breastpump program as well. The number for them is 1-855-567-8669.
 Its through the same medical group as Target.

There is also a site, where you have a few more options such as Nature's Bond, Freemie, Spectra, Tomy and of course Ameda & Medela. This is all online so they ship it to your home and you don't have to pick it up from anywhere :)

I'm sure there are other sites you can order from too.

Hope this blogged helped! 

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