Short Story Of My Life ...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Car Seat Safety.

A friend of mine has recently influenced me to become more educated on car seat safety. I am very happy I did. After seeing a countless number of car seat safety posts by her on FB, one night, I decided to actually read and watch the video links posted. Every time I read something new, it would pique my curiosity so I would Google and YouTube search rear facing car seats, forward facing car seats, installing a car seat, and so forth. That night I felt like the absolute worst parent ever. It never occurred to me I was installing my kids' car seats wrong. When installing a car seat, every little detail counts like from the angle of a rear facing car seat, to the harness chest clip. Did you know that the chest clip of the car seat, is only meant to make sure the harness straps are positioned correctly? Well, I didn't. That next morning I went and installed my kids' car seat the correct way. It took me about an hour. I watched about 15 different YouTube installation videos until it was correct. I also went out and got Noah a new seat and next month he will get another hopefully it will stick with him until he is ready to ride without a booster (which I don't think I will ever be ready for). Josh is also getting a new car seat. My point is, as a parent we sometimes feel we know everything. We don't always play by the "rules" and I was sure I was putting my children in their car seats correctly and I sure as hell wasn't. Doing my car seat safety research was the best thing I could have ever done for my kids. With the knowledge I have now, I find myself sharing with other new parents. I def. still have a few more things to learn but I'm so glad I am willing to educate myself on something that is very, very important. It is literally a life or death matter. I'm so thankful I decided to read an article she posted that night. Here is a recent post of hers concerning car seat safety.

Car Seat Safety 101 by Kristin Prince

Take the time and read this post. You may learn a thing or two.

Below is an image I found on Google concerning car seat recommendations. 

Image Credit: Google

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