Short Story Of My Life ...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Ohh the places you'll go"

So yesterday was orientation for my son's school. What I thought would be a little program for kids who are ineligible for kindergarten is actually a school like enviroment! He has his own class, seat, and cute little mail slot! Hes growing up so fast but I am excited that he gets to experience this at an early age. Not only will he be able to interact with other kids his age but this will get him more prepared for his first day of Kindergarten which makes it easier on myself and him! I'm also glad my husband got to be there to go to orientation and he will also be here for his first day tomorrow! But sadly he leaves back to VA tomorrow afternoon =( We're making arrangements to see each other every month so I'm thinking he will be back next  month even if just for a weekend. We found an amazing deal that will let him travel back and forth from here to VA for $35.00 so needless to say, he will be here a lot! His ship is now in the shipyards all the way in Newport News which sucks. There is no way we would have been able to work that out had I stayed in VA especially with us only having one car but so far everything is fine. We are both pretty bummed about him not being here everyday to see Noah off to school but i'm so glad he is able to be here for his first day tomorrow!

My oldest son Noah at his orientation

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