Short Story Of My Life ...

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Hardest Day Of My Life ...

Today , August 27th , 2010 , I had to do what had to have been the hardest thing ever . I had to watch my husband , father of my child , best friend leave on deployment . I knew this day would come but not this fast considering they left a month earlier than scheduled . Right about now I feel like a huge piece of me is missing .  Just knowing the fact I will not get to be in his arms for another 8 months is killing me in the inside and draining me emotionally . I'm writing this blog simply to get things of my mind not so much for sympathy or pity . I miss him so much it hurts and its only been a few hours seen we last seen each other . I know they say deployments can make or break a relationship but this relationship can only get stronger from here . For the most part I just hope the next few months fly by quick , I love you ABHAA Jacques Troche and believe me when I tell you that I'm thinking about you 24/7 ! You truly are my other half and every night as I go to sleep I will gaze at the moon as I know you will too . Everyday apart is one day closer ! You swore to protect your country , and I swore to protect your heart !

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